Casa Consistorial Hotel

Fuengirola, Espanja Lippu - Espanja

Tarkista kalenteri ja valitse muut päivämäärät samassa hotellissa tai palaa hakusivulle ja valitse toinen matka.

Katso kalenteria ja valitse päivämäärä

Valitettavasti pyydetty matka ei ole enää käytettävissä tai sitä ei ole valittu.

Tarkista kalenteri ja valitse muut päivämäärät samassa hotellissa tai palaa hakusivulle ja valitse toinen matka.

Katso kalenteria ja valitse päivämäärä


  • Ravintola
  • kylpylä
  • Lentokenttä Málagan lentoasema (AGP): 25.3 km (21 mins)

Tietoja hotellista

This luxurious hotel boasts a premium position right in the city centre of Fuengirola. The accommodation's building is erected in the first town hall of the city, so now the property combines the charm of those days and the functionality of modern life. Moreover, visitors will be a short walking distance from the main entertainment, shopping and dining venues in the surrounding area, as well as the beautiful and clean sea. All guest rooms and suites are decorated in soothing tones and they are bright and spacious. They are fully equipped with in-room amenities and the highest categories feature exclusive facilities such as ultra-comfortable beds and a private patio or balcony. Guests will be amazed by the useful facilities and services offered at the hotel, such as three different restaurants with a relaxing patio and a spa with health treatments and services.


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Katso kalenteria ja valitse päivämäärä


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